The American Society for the Control of Cancer (ASCC) was founded in 1913, with the main objective of raising awareness about cancer. At the time it was considered a near-certain death diagnosis, and by the time it was founded, even more articles about cancer were being published and doctors nationwide were being recruited to join the society. Today, the American Cancer Society (ACS) is recognized worldwide for its research into the causes and treatment of cancer, and for its promotion of a healthier lifestyle to prevent it. The ACS also seeks to generate an environment where emotional support is available for all of those who have been touched by cancer. 

Over the past 100 years, the American Cancer Society has researched a disease that can affect anyone, creating safe spaces for families, patients, and those who seek to do their part in the fight against cancer. In 2020, a year that was not only different but also difficult for everyone, donations to the ACS decreased by 50% which reduced funds for researching new ways to attack cancer.

Because of this, ACS created an in-person and virtual event called Hope Bowl 2020, which took place at the famous Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, Fl. A night filled with delicious food and live music, where Cristina’s survival story was the highlight. Her fight against breast cancer was backed up by the American Cancer Society. Through its data, articles, and information, Cristina was able to “put all the pieces together” and educate herself and the people around her about the process she was going through. It was so even as she began taking chemo as soon as a month after she learned she had cancer.  Cristina showed us that cancer doesn’t stop and neither can we.

It was an unforgettable event that brought together people from different parts of the country and the world for a common cause: fighting cancer. 

Optime Consulting supports the Hope Bowl

As an ACS Gold Sponsor, we were honored to work in such a powerful and much needed event. We were able to use our solution Video2Market to promote the Hope Bowl 2020, help them grow brand awareness and provide the users with an innovative approach to make the  event more human. This was possible thanks to Video2Market’s interactive technology, which allows users to make decisions based on what they are watching. With the interactive layer of Video2Market we were able to transmit not only what the event was going to be about, but also to inspire the audience to donate and participate in the Hope Bowl 2020. This was an effective way to allow users to learn more about ACS and how their contribution to this event would make a difference. 

This high-impact night brought people together to celebrate the commitment to fight cancer and raised over 375,000 USD.

We look forward to the 2021 Hope Bowl, on December 4th, and hope to raise more money than last year to continue making a difference in the lives of those who are suffering from cancer and or supporting someone who is going through this journey.

We invite you to watch last year’s video here to learn more about the event.

If you’re interested in learning more on how to get involved in 2021, please email us at support@video2market.com

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