Virtual Events Made Easy: Do’s and Dont’s for a Successful Experience

Virtual Events Made Easy: Do’s and Dont’s for a Successful Experience


Virtual events have become increasingly popular, especially in the past couple of years. They allow people from all around the world to connect and engage with each other in ways that were previously not possible. However, hosting a successful virtual event requires careful planning and execution. In this blog, we’ll cover the top do’s and don’ts to help you make your virtual event a success!


Let’s start with the do’s of virtual event:



  1. Do plan ahead: Just like in-person events, virtual events require careful planning. Set a date and time that works for your target audience, and create a detailed schedule that outlines the activities that will take place during the event. Make sure to communicate this schedule with your attendees beforehand, so they know what to expect.
  2. Do invest in the right technology: Virtual events require the use of technology, so it’s essential to invest in the right tools. Make sure you have a reliable internet connection, a high-quality camera, and a good microphone. You may also want to consider using a virtual event platform like eBrightConnect, which can help you manage your event and engage with attendees.
  3. Do make your event interactive: Virtual events can sometimes feel impersonal, so it’s important to make them as interactive as possible. Include activities like polls, quizzes, and Q&A sessions to engage your attendees and encourage participation.
  4. Do promote your event: Make sure you promote your event in advance to ensure that people know about it. Use social media, email marketing, and other channels to spread the word and encourage people to register.
  5. Do follow up with attendees: After the event, make sure to follow up with your attendees. Send a thank-you message and ask for feedback to improve future events.


Now, let’s move on to the don’ts of virtual events:



  1. Don’t forget about time zones: When planning your virtual event, make sure to take time zones into account. Consider scheduling your event at a time that works for attendees in different time zones.
  2. Don’t rely on slides: Slides are useful, but they can also be boring. Try to mix up your content with videos, demos, and other interactive activities to keep your attendees engaged.
  3.  Don’t overcomplicate things: Virtual events can sometimes be overwhelming, so it’s important to keep things simple. Avoid using too many tools and technologies that may confuse your attendees.
  4. Don’t forget to test everything: Before the event, make sure to test everything, including your internet connection, camera, microphone, and any tools or platforms you’ll be using. This will help you avoid technical issues during the event
  5. Don’t forget about accessibility: Make sure to consider accessibility when planning your virtual event. This includes providing closed captioning or sign language interpretation for attendees who may be deaf or hard of hearing, and ensuring that your event platform is accessible to people with disabilities.


Hosting a successful virtual event requires careful planning, the right technology, and a focus on engagement and interaction. By following these do’s and don’ts, you can ensure that your virtual event is a success! So go forth and plan your next virtual event with confidence, and don’t forget to have fun along the way.

Not convinced yet about hosting a virtual event? Take a look at these 10 benefits you should not miss 

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